Jafar Ebrahimi

Jafar Ebrahimi, poet and story-writer, was born in a village in Ardabil in 1951 and migrated to Tehran in his teens. He began his career in children’s and young adult literature in 1979, publishing some of his works in magazines. In 1981, he became in charge of the poetry council ofthe Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (Kanoon), He has also been on the editorial board of some children’s and young adult publications and collaborated with the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting and some children’s and young adult literature publishers. His poems have been included in the school textbooks of Iranian students.
Ebrahimi writes both for children and for young adults. The categories of his writings also vary, covering poetry, stories, rewriting, biographies, etc. His tender style and poetic outlook appear in his stories too.
Selected Works:
No Cloud in the Sky (1995), Nahade Honar Va Adabiyat
O’ Sky, Cry Tears of Blood (1997), Kanoon
The Sweet Stories of Sadi’s Golestan (rewriting / 1997), Peydayesh
The Witches of the Shadowless Town (1999), Ghadyani (Banafsheh)
Hoopoe’s Song (1999), Kanoon
I Have Come to Love (2003), Shabaviz
Mysteries in the Wind (2007), Kanoon
Alak Dolak, a Little Person (2013), Amirkabir (Shokoofeh)
Peace Like Freshly Brewed Tea (2013), Peydayesh
The Bird Is My Sister (2014), Kanoon
Selected Awards and Recognitions:
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Book of the Year Award, Best Book Award from the Children’s Book Council of Iran, Best Book Award from The Book Festival of The Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (Kanoon), Book of the Year chosen by Soroushe Nojavan magazine