Alvandi, Ezatollah

Ezatollah Alvandi


Ezatollah Alvandi was born in Tuyserkan in June 1974. He majored in dramatic literature in the University of Art. Besides being a writer, Alvandi is also a journalist and a poet. For a while, he was the editor of children’s and young adult literature section in Hozeh Honari (Islamic Development Organization) and he is now a board member of the Iranian Association of writers for Children and Youth. Due to his mastery of the history of the Iranian traditional music, he has also conducted some research in this regard and has written the book entitled The History of Music in Iran for young adults. The influence of childhood locations and recollections is evident in his stories. Alvandi has other works that fall into the category of resistance literature which deal with Iran-Iraq war and have won him some awards.

Selected Works:
Hills without Moonlight (2005), Shahed Publishing Co.
An Orange-colored Man (2006), Shahed Publishing Co.
Look at those Eyes (2009), Shahed Publishing Co.
Kids, I’ll Miss You (2009), Sooreh Mehr
The Bird (2014), Sooreh Mehr
Daddy, I Want to Play. Where Are You? (2014), Ba Farzandan
My Dear Grandpa Reads Me Books (2015), Ba Farzandan

Selected Awards and Recognition:
Best Book Award from Roshd Short Story Festival (held by the Ministry of Education), Best Book Award from Revolution Story Festival