Eibod, Tahereh

Tahereh Eibod




Tahereh Eibod, children’s and young adult writer, was born in Shiraz. She studied English language at the university and began her career in children’s and young adult literature in early 1980s.

Besides writing, she also has executive experiences, e.g. literary expert in the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (Kanoon), being on the editorial boards of some children’s and young adult literature publications, being a board member of the Iranian Association of Writers for Children and Youth for several terms, etc.
She also has some experience in writing scripts for feature films and animations.
She has also taught story writing in various organizations.
Eibod is a writer who writes for different age groups. During about three decades, she has created works for preschoolers, children, and young adults. The content of her works reflect a similar diversity. Eibod has written works with themes such as war, religion, family, etc. She has written fantasy novels for young adults, mini-stories for children, and works in which humor is the most distinguished characteristic.
Some of her works are translated into other languages.

Selected Works:
Flower-bed in Flower Pot (1996), Zolal
Thinking of the Rose (2000), Monadi Tarbiat
The Adventures of Mr. Charkheshi’s Family (2001), Kanoon
Gonggi Stories (2005), Behnashr
The Game of the Moon and the Star (2005), Madrese Publications
A Message to the Cotton Wool Cloud (2007), Elmi-Farhangi Publishing House
The Fish Began to Cough (2009), Shahr Publishing Co.
The Tail-Headed Black Monster (2011), Amirkabir
Liasandmaris Fairy Tales (2011), Kanoon
The Big Wolf and the Fat Fish (2016), Elmi-Farhangi Publishing House

Selected Awards and Recognitions:
Book of the Year Award from the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (Kanoon), Best Book Award from Parvin Etesami Book Fair, Book of the Year chosen by Soroushe Nojavan magazine,listed in the International Library of Munich (White Ravens)