Tahmine Haddadi
Journalist, Autor and Iillustrator
Tahmineh haddadi is a freelance journalist, autor and illustrator who was born in 1986. Her major was reporting and she write to kids and teens about social, art and culture in magazines. When she was 19,she used to publish her first book. Now She has 20 books. sometimes she illustrations her stories.
Selected works:
Cities without ladders (Shabaviz Publication)
The red, red plain (Shabaviz Publication)
Apple, Tree and Daughter (Amir Kabir publication)
Careers encyclopedia (golden), awarded for Iran’s book of the year.
Miss teacher big secret (Amir Kabir publication)
Selected Awards and Recognitions:
Awarded for cultural heritage and media festival
Awarded for children and young adults festival in reporting
Awarded for Iran s book of the year (2013)
Iran’s Book of the Year Awards is an annual award about books in categories of religion, social sciences, language, applied sciences, art and literature.
Email : tahmineh.haddadi@gmail.com